6720 S. 27th Street, Oak Creek, WI 53154

Finally pulling the trigger on getting the granite countertops of your dreams is exciting but there are a few ways things could go unintentionally wrong. There’s a lot that goes into selection and installation of granite countertops and missing a step or making a decision based on bad information can slow the whole process down and incur time and costs you did not anticipate.

When selecting your counters, you’re looking at the type of stone, the cut, the thickness, the shape of the edges, and the color of your stone. All these decisions are important to ensure you get the right countertop and it’s installed correctly the first time.

Below are some of the mistakes people can make during the selection and installation process when it comes to granite countertops.

Thick Slabs

The standard thickness of slabs for granite is three quarters of an inch or one and one quarter inch slab of granite. Anything thicker than that is likely two slabs glued together which is structurally unsound and will look poor when installed. While it may seem like your options of granite slab thickness run on the thin side rest assured the pros know what they’re doing it when it comes to measuring granite slabs.

Prioritizing Color

Color is a huge part of the decision process, but it should not be the driving factor behind your selection. One of the big problems with prioritizing color is that some of the more popular and flamboyant granite colors also stain the easiest and/or require the most work to maintain. It may not be as eye catching but the darker the granite, the better it does in situations of stains.

Incorrect Measurements

This is an unfortunately easy mistake to make. It’s very easy for measurements to be off, depending on who is measuring and with what device, but for installing granite countertops, having correct measurements is important. If incorrect measurements aren’t clocked until installation time, it can really slow down and bottleneck the whole process.

Related Questions

Should I decide on edges before or after installation?

Before. It may seem simple, but once the countertop is installed there’s no way to change the edges without completely uninstalling the slabs. So, make your edge decision before installation day to avoid a big headache.

Are there cleaning tips for granite?

Make sure to follow the sealing instructions the contractor leaves you with. You’ll want to do it at least once every two years or more. You’ll also want to avoid harsh cleaners that could strip or damage the granite and remember to clean regularly but also clean as needed.

Avoid mistakes by talking to a countertop installation professional about your needs for your new granite countertop today!

Wisconsin Granite Design will help you with your countertop remodel and avoid mistakes before they happen. Our expert natural stone professionals have installed countless of kitchen countertops throughout Wisconsin and will help make the process of choosing a countertop for your kitchen or bath remodel not only easy, but also enjoyable.

Our designers are happy to meet with you to discuss the vision for your remodel project, and our vast selection of countertop materials ensures that you will find the perfect countertop solution. We specialize in granite, marble and quartz and offer customized, budget friendly designs and installation. Call us today for a Free Design Consultation!